Lidia Vilchez retains her ranking this year as she continues to advise on complex labour matters in Peru including bargaining proceedings and regulatory mandates. “Lidia Vilchez is a great professional. She is very intelligent, versatile, and has great soft skills to understand and negotiate with the unions.” Chambers and Partners Latam 2024
Partner member of the Labor team. Her professional practice focuses on the designs and executes integral strategies, regarding both individual and collective matters. Concerning individual matters, she provides advisory regarding direct employment, outsourcing, compensation structures, discipline, production optimization, labor aspects of corporate reorganizations, development of policies and health and safety in the workplace. Regarding collective matters, she provides precise assessment on how to manage the relationship with unions, advises on prevention and integral solution of collective bargaining (including strategies regarding stoppages, strikes and arbitrations), as well as diverse conflictive situations that arise inevitably during the employment relationship.
Cristina es abogada de la Universidad de Los Andes (1998). Cuenta con un LLM de Columbia University (2002), un Curso en Corporate Compliance de la Universidad de Los Andes (2020) y un Diplomado en Gestión de Riesgos de la Universidad de La Sabana (2020). Después de una larga práctica en fusiones y adquisiciones y derecho financiero, Cristina fue nombrada Secretaria General y Controller de PPU en enero de 2019, apoyando a PPU en un amplio rango de asuntos regulatorios y contractuales y a cargo del proceso de conflictos de interés. Es la Oficial de Cumplimiento de PPU en Colombia y un miembro de su Comité de Deontología y Cumplimiento. Está a cargo del proceso global de manejo de conflictos de PPU, los estándares profesionales y éticos, reclamaciones, acuerdos de seguros y el manejo de riesgos.