Dispute Resolution
Associate-to-watch Santiago Cruz remains recognised for his involvement in Colombian dispute resolution. He is regularly sought out by clients from the energy, insurance and technology industries. “Santiago Cruz has shown magnificent client service, which he also complements with a high level of sophistication due to his constitutional knowledge”. Dispute Resolution, Chambers and Partners, Latin America.
Principal Associate of the Dispute Resolution team. His practice focuses on international and domestic arbitration, litigation and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. He has experience in matters related to engineering and construction, oil and gas, mining, sale and distribution of goods, technology and social media, among others. He has participated in commercial arbitration proceedings as counsel, arbitrator and as administrative secretary under the rules of different arbitral institutions, including ICC and the Arbitration Centre of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota. He is an arbitrator of the Arbitration Centers of the Colombian Superintendence of Companies, and the Cali and Bucaramanga Chambers of Commerce. Also, he is a secretary of the Arbitration Center of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. He is an official translator and interpreter English-Spanish certified by the Colombian Government. Distinguished by Chambers & Partners as “Associate to Watch” 2023, by The Legal 500 as “Rising Star” 2022 and by the Latin American Corporate Counsel Association (LACCA) as “Approved Litigation Private Practitioner” for 4 consecutive years since 2019.
Cristina es abogada de la Universidad de Los Andes (1998). Cuenta con un LLM de Columbia University (2002), un Curso en Corporate Compliance de la Universidad de Los Andes (2020) y un Diplomado en Gestión de Riesgos de la Universidad de La Sabana (2020). Después de una larga práctica en fusiones y adquisiciones y derecho financiero, Cristina fue nombrada Secretaria General y Controller de PPU en enero de 2019, apoyando a PPU en un amplio rango de asuntos regulatorios y contractuales y a cargo del proceso de conflictos de interés. Es la Oficial de Cumplimiento de PPU en Colombia y un miembro de su Comité de Deontología y Cumplimiento. Está a cargo del proceso global de manejo de conflictos de PPU, los estándares profesionales y éticos, reclamaciones, acuerdos de seguros y el manejo de riesgos.