Bustamante Augusto

Member of the Corporate Law and M&A team. His professional experience focuses on legal advice to national and international companies in corporate, commercial and civil matters.

Durand Diego

Member of the Banking, Finance and Capital Markets team. His practice focuses on corporate, financial, regulatory and administrative matters. He also has experience in civil and registry matters.

Izarra Ikaro

Member of the Tax Law and International Trade team. His professional practice focuses on audits and proceedings before SUNAT and the Tax Court, tax planning and consulting. His areas of specialization include taxation of Derivative Financial Instruments, Regulatory Contributions and analysis of structures with risk of application of the General Anti-avoidance Rule.

García Sofía Ignacia

SOFÍA IGNACIA GARCÍA ¿Who´s Sofía García? PPU Associate, member of the Venture Capital Team. Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero Du & Uría S.A.S.  Sofía García Linkedin 

Reyna Daniel

Member of the Dispute Resolution team. His professional practice focuses on design of strategies and defense in judicial and arbitration proceedings. He has experience in complex litigation cases related to civil and comercial, constitutional, administrative and Human Right matters before judicial courts, arbitration boards and international organizations.

Torres Mariapía

Member of the Environmental and Sustainable Development and Water Resources team. His professional practice focuses on environmental supervision and oversight in the agriculture, industry, mining and energy sectors. With professional experience in administrative sanctioning procedures in the environmental sector and supervision of compliance with environmental obligations. She also has experience in regulatory issues related to […]

Camacho Patricia

Member of the Natural Resources and Land Reclamation team. Her professional practice focuses on the integral advisory of real estate development projects (in urban and rural areas); including legal diagnoses of properties, title studies, physical-legal reorganization of real estate, urban habilitation procedures, registration procedures, constitution of guarantees, obtaining licenses and administrative permits. She has participated […]

Vargas Rafael

Member of the Labor group. His professional practice focuses on labor law matters, where he has participated in labor lawsuits, including litigation for alleged violations of fundamental rights, accidents at work, anti-union practices and extrajudicial conflicts agreements.