Cabrera Diego

Member of the Intellectual Property team. Provides advice in the areas of unfair competition, information technology and personal data protection. He has advised national and foreign clients for the registration and protection of their distinctive signs, inventions and copyrights, and the defense of their interests vis-à-vis third parties, especially cases of opposition, cancellation and nullity […]

Cueva David

Cueva David

Member of the Dispute Resolution and Corporate Law team. His practice focuses on contract law and arbitration, with extensive experience in both negotiating and handling disputes involving EPCs, BOTs, FIDICs and infrastructure contracts in various areas, having acted as counsel and negotiator for both owners and contractors, subcontractors and lenders. His experience also includes negotiation […]

Sanguinetti Dante

Sanguinetti Dante

PPU Partner expert in tax matters, international transactions with particular emphasis in the mining industry. He has advised significant clients in the access to sectoral benefits, transfer pricing, tax advice in financing and mergers and acquisitions, tax planning and design of efficient structures, application of treaties and tax agreements and due diligences.

Ramos Daniel

Ramos Daniel

PPU Partner specialized in the evaluation, initiation and follow-up of criminal investigations and prosecutions. He provides advice on the scope of an accusation and potential liabilities, in order to reduce possible criminal contingencies. It also implements compliance programs, tailored to each company’s needs.

Gonzáles Hunt César

César Gonzáles Hunt

Partner co-leader of the Labor team. In his professional practice he has more than 25 years of experience in the labor consultancy of companies and State entities; collective bargaining with Workers Unions of various union representation operations; and, sponsorship of labor lawsuits before the Judiciary and the Constitutional Court.

Carlos Weston

Weston Carlos

Miembro del equipo Corporativo/MA y Resolución de Conflictos. Su ejercicio profesional se centra en derecho de contratos y arbitrajes, con experiencia en la estructuración, elaboración y negociación de todo tipo de contratos, habiendo actuado como asesor legal y negociador tanto para propietarios como para contratistas, subcontratistas y prestamistas. En lo individual, su experiencia incluye elaboración […]

Moreano Carlos

Moreano Carlos

PPU Director expert in offering both domestic and multinational companies’ controversy assistance in the following areas: Oppositions to Tax Requirements, stablishing procedural strategies at the beginning of a Tax Inspection; Design of Taxpayer’s Defense from Taxation Claims by Tax Authorities, etc.

Guarniz Antonio

PPU Partner expert in all kinds of financial transactions including issuances programs of debt instruments (bonds, short-term instruments, negotiable certificate of deposit), equity issues, syndicated loans, medium-term loans, finance leases, asset securitization, etc.; acquisition of companies listed on the stock exchange, takeover bids, purchase and exchange, among others. He has advised significant clients in various […]

Ruíz Angelita

Member of the Public Law and Infrastructure and Projects team. Her professional practice focuses on legal consulting on issues related to Administrative and Regulatory Law, highlighting the preparation of legal reports, consultation and administrative procedures of various kinds (sanctioning, obtaining of regulatory licenses, among others) related to the Law Municipal, Education, Transportation, Public Procurement and […]

Sota André

Sota André

Miembro del equipo Penal, con especialización en Derecho penal económico, de la empresa y en compliance penal. Su ejercio profesional se centra en la prevención de contingencias de índole penal. También cuenta con experiencia en el diseño de estrategias legales en materia penal y procesal penal, así como en el litigio de casos penales ante […]