Del Castillo Aouda

Del Castillo Aouda

Member of the Real Estate and Infrastructure and Projects teams. Her professional practice focuses on advising entities of the national public sector, in terms of Public-Private Partnerships and private investment promotion processes regarding infrastructure projects and public services, in various sectors. She has also advised Regional and Local Governments in the conduction of the private […]

Longa Mitzy

Miembro del equipo de Energía, Minería y Recursos Naturales. Su ejercicio profesional se centra en temas regulatorios y corporativos vinculados con la ejecución de proyectos mineros, incluyendo la asesoría en la obtención de permisos y autorizaciones. Con experiencia profesional en el procedimiento para obtención de propiedades mineras y el cumplimiento de obligaciones exigibles a sus […]

Acuña María

Associate member of the Labor team. Her professional practice focuses on litigation advice and dispute resolution in labor matters, disciplinary procedures and separation mechanisms. Has advised clients in the elaboration of procedural strategies and in sponsorships in judicial matters.  

Fernández Manuel

Member in PPU’s Criminal Law team, specialized in economic criminal law. His practice focuses on litigation criminal cases processed by Public Ministry and Criminal Courts. Provides advice on preventing criminal risks. Also, on the designing of legal strategies.  

Aliaga Luis

Principal Associate of the Real Estate Team. His advice includes the processing of registration orders, legal analysis of real estate assets, property restructuring (urban and rural properties), real estate contracts, urban regulation, construction permits and the legal manage to obtain in rem rights for investment projects. He has participated in multiple transactions related to the […]

Gárate Lisbeth

Member of the Dispute Resolution team. She provides advice to important companies in arbitration proceedings related to civil and commercial matters, Construction Law and Government Procurement. She also advices several companies in matters related to civil contracts and Government Procurement. Among the most important cases in which she has participated is the advice of a […]

Fernández Kevin

Associate of the Tax and International Trade team. He specializes in tax advisory, tax planning, mergers and acquisitions, tax audits and proceedings before SUNAT and the Tax Court.

Noriega Katy

Experience in labor, social security and occupational health and safety issues for private and public companies. Design and execution of integral strategies of individual and collective character. Advice on social reorganizations, direct and indirect hiring of national staff, extinction of labor ties in general. Preparation of audits of compliance with social and occupational health and […]

Salgado Jose

Associate of the Corporate M&A practice of the Firm, specializing in mergers and acquisitions and private equity. His experience includes both domestic and international transactions from a variety of sectors.  

Bravo Javier

Member of the Real Estate Team. His profesional practice focuses on the negotiation with communities and coordination with local political authorities. Solid knowledge in management and administration of social responsibility actions for infrastructure projects, establishing open communication channels between the company and the affected populations With leadership skills and initiative, ability to work in a […]