Tagle José

Partner at PPU expert in Real Estate matters, specialized in real estate transactions, including residential projects, offices buildings, hotels, shopping centers, mix-use developments, multi-family projects and agricultural real estate investments, among others. He has wide experience in real estate investment funds, urbanistic law and corporate real estate law, in counseling both buyers and sellers, in […]

Lara José Luis

Partner at PPU expert in matters regarding public and administrative law, with over 15 years of experience in the area. His resume does not only consist of a wide experience as a lawyer in complex cases and his main practice areas consist of public procurement, administrative law, and complex litigation and holds a profound knowledge […]

Carcelén Jerónimo

Partner at PPU expert in Energy, Mining and Natural Resources. His professional practice focuses in legal advice to governments on their mining public policy and legal frameworks (Ecuador, Afghanistan, Colombia), to multilateral entities (the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Swiss Cooperation Agency), and to private companies on matters dealing with foreign investments, purchase […]

Vial Guillermo

Member of the Corporate/M&A and Venture Capital + Fintech team. His practice focuses mainly on M&A, the capitals market, financial law, infrastructure and projects, high-complexity contracts, and corporate law in general, counselling both domestic and foreign clients. Additionally, he counsels start-ups and investors on Venture Capital matters, and local and foreign FinTech devoted to digital […]

Infante Guillermo

Partner at PPU expert in tax and international trade. He has advised important clientes with a sophisticated practice, with a leading international knowledge. He is an expert in the financial industry, the energy and natural resources sector, and M&A, enhanced by his strong corporate focus. He stands out by his knowledge and deep understanding of […]

Arévalo Felipe

Arévalo Felipe

Partner at PPU expert in Environment and Sustainable Development. His professional practice focuses on all sorts of environmental, regulatory and judicial legal issues concerning investment projects. Special focus on environmental procedures before administrative agencies (environmental sanction procedures) and courts (environmental damage actions). Experienced in environmental assessment procedures and procurement of sectorial permits before different public […]

Grebe Federico

Grebe Federico

Partner at PPU expert in Corporate / M&A and Private Equity. He has advised important clients in corporate matters of both private and public companies. He has extensive experience in the strategic planning of acquisitions as well as in the restructuring of companies, joint ventures and other matters of corporate law.

Escalona Eduardo

Partner at PPU expert in Energy, Regulated Markets and TMT (Technology Media and Telecommunications). Expert on economic regulation of public services, especially those concerning Energy, Telecommunications, Competition, Consumers, Data Protection and Education. Vast experience in project development, international tenders, bills, public policies and intricate public and private sector consultancies, as well as economic disputes in […]

Parodi Daniel

Member of the Banking, Finance and Capital Markets and Infrastructure/Projects team. His professional practice focuses on advising developers, borrowers and national and foreign lenders in corporate, asset and project financings. An important part of his practice and experience is the financing of aircrafts and vessels. Additionally, he advises Chilean companies and foreign underwriters on bond […]

Reyes Carlos Alberto

PPU partner expert in Projects, Energy and M&A. He has advised important clients in transactions related to the development of energy and mining projects; in the field of transactional energy, with extensive experience in M&A transactions, project finance, PPA, EPC, O&M, SPA and SHA and contracts, and other matters related to energy and oil and […]