Infrastructure and Projects
Dynamic partner Carlos Padilla enjoys a practice focused on infrastructure, information technology projects and PPP matters. He is regularly sought out by local and international clients hailing from the energy, transport and telecommunication industries. “Carlos Padilla is an excellent lawyer in projects and administrative law matters. His advice is timely and has enough detail to allow his clients to make decisions”. Projects, Chambers and Partners, Latin America.
Partner at PPU, expert in Infrastructure and Projects. His professional practice focuses on infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships and Information Technology Projects. He has been involved in many important infrastructure projects in the country during the last decade and has advised national and foreign clients in the structuring and financing of transport, telecommunications, hydrocarbon, energy and public services projects. Recently he has been involved in the structuring and financing of several of the most important 4G highway concession projects, among which the concessions called Vía 40, Pacífico 3, Alto Magdalena, Costera, Navelena and Ruta al Mar stand out.
Cristina es abogada de la Universidad de Los Andes (1998). Cuenta con un LLM de Columbia University (2002), un Curso en Corporate Compliance de la Universidad de Los Andes (2020) y un Diplomado en Gestión de Riesgos de la Universidad de La Sabana (2020). Después de una larga práctica en fusiones y adquisiciones y derecho financiero, Cristina fue nombrada Secretaria General y Controller de PPU en enero de 2019, apoyando a PPU en un amplio rango de asuntos regulatorios y contractuales y a cargo del proceso de conflictos de interés. Es la Oficial de Cumplimiento de PPU en Colombia y un miembro de su Comité de Deontología y Cumplimiento. Está a cargo del proceso global de manejo de conflictos de PPU, los estándares profesionales y éticos, reclamaciones, acuerdos de seguros y el manejo de riesgos.