Contreras María Fernanda

Member of the “Energy, Regulated Markets and TMT (Technology, Media and Telecommunications)” team. Her professional practice focuses on comprehensive advice for the development of energy projects in each of its stages, industry-specific contracts, and regulatory matters related to natural resources. She has extensive experience in corporate and regulatory matters for the development of projects related […]

Witt Valentina

Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on labor law matters, where he has participated in labor lawsuits, including litigation for alleged violations of fundamental rights, accidents at work, anti-union practices and extrajudicial conflicts agreements

Castillo Julio

Member of the Natural Resources and Acquisition team. His professional practice focuses on real estate, registration, corporate and construction matters. He has advised different companies in the diagnosis, acquisition and clearing of surface land for the development of large infrastructure projects in both rural and urban areas. In addition, he was in charge of urban habilitation projects, […]

Kästner Erich

Member of the Mining, Energy and Natural Resources team. His professional practice focuses on matters related to the diagnosis and legal physical reorganization of real estate, as well as those related to the regularization and registration of corporate forms. In addition, he has extensive experience derived from more than fifteen years of professional practice. He […]

Herrera Marco

Member of the Mining, Energy and Natural Resources team. His professional practice focuses on land acquisition and clearance for the development of private and public investment projects. He has participated in the preparation of Legal Technical Diagnoses, title studies and legal physical clearance procedures for the execution of mining, hydrocarbons, electricity and retail sector projects. […]

Losada Valentina

Member of the Tax and International Trade team. Her professional practice is focuses on advising families and individuals in Colombia and abroad on wealth transfer, estate planning, asset protection and tax planning.

Ariztía José Pedro

Member of the Competition and TMT (Technology, Media and Telecommunications) Teams. Her professional practice focuses on advising clients in matters of  mergers, restrictive practices of competition and unfair competition.

Moreno Saella

Miembro de los equipos de Competencia y TMT (Tecnología, Medios y Telecomunicaciones). Su ejercicio profesional se centra en la asesoría de clientes en asuntos relacionados con integraciones empresariales, prácticas restrictivas de la competencia y competencia desleal.

Vásquez Amable

Member of the Labor team and leader of the immigration area. His professional practice focuses on labor consulting, design of strategies for the hiring of foreign personnel, occupational health and safety, advice on audits and sanctioning procedures before SUNAFIL and the Labor Inspection Court. He has developed labor audits and due diligences for clients from […]