Phillipi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero y Uría

Stephanie Barboza

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Member of the Labor Litigation Team of the Labor Area of the PPU Law Firm. Her professional practice focuses on designing defense strategies to face labor litigation of various kinds. She currently represents legal proceedings on behalf of a significant number of private companies in the field.

Simón Delgado

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Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on labor and social security litigation.

Laura Castillo

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Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on advising clients on labor and social security matters.

Laura Agudelo

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Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on advising companies on labor, social security, parafiscal and immigration issues, and on the preparation and review of labor documents.

Brain Sebastian

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Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on labor consulting, social security, occupational health and safety, labor taxation, and advising on audits and sanctioning procedures before SUNAFIL and the Labor Inspection Tribunal.

Witt Valentina

Valentina Witt PPU Legal

Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on labor law matters, where he has participated in labor lawsuits, including litigation for alleged violations of fundamental rights, accidents at work, anti-union practices and extrajudicial conflicts agreements

Vilchez Lidia

Lidia Vilchez PPU legal

Partner member of the Labor team. Her professional practice focuses on the designs and executes integral strategies, regarding both individual and collective matters. Concerning individual matters, she provides advisory regarding direct employment, outsourcing, compensation structures, discipline, production optimization, labor aspects of corporate reorganizations, development of policies and health and safety in the workplace. Regarding collective matters, she provides precise assessment on how to manage the relationship with unions, advises on prevention and integral solution of collective bargaining (including strategies regarding stoppages, strikes and arbitrations), as well as diverse conflictive situations that arise inevitably during the employment relationship.

Vásquez Amable

Amable Vasquez PPU Legal

Member of the Labor team and leader of the immigration area. His professional practice focuses on labor consulting, design of strategies for the hiring of foreign personnel, occupational health and safety, advice on audits and sanctioning procedures before SUNAFIL and the Labor Inspection Court. He has developed labor audits and due diligences for clients from different industries.

Vargas Rafael

Rafael Vargas PPU legal

Member of the Labor group. His professional practice focuses on labor law matters, where he has participated in labor lawsuits, including litigation for alleged violations of fundamental rights, accidents at work, anti-union practices and extrajudicial conflicts agreements.

Noriega Katy

Katy Noriega 2024

Experience in labor issues, social security, and occupational health and safety for private and public companies. Design and implementation of comprehensive strategies, both individual and collective. Advisory services on corporate reorganizations, direct and indirect hiring of national personnel, and termination of employment relationships. Preparation of compliance audits for labor regulations and occupational health and safety. Development of procedural strategies and representation in labor judicial matters. Assistance in labor arbitration processes.