Castillo Ariel

Castillo Ariel

Principal Associate from the Tax and International Trade Team. He specializes in tax structuring and cross-border and domestic reorganizations. He also focuses in foreign and local tax advisory. Ariel constantly advises businesses in the structuring of their investments and financing of Chilean projects (infrastructure, energy, telecommunications anc concessions), preparation and negotiation of ruling requests before […]

Cosma Aref

Cosma Aref

Member of the Labor team. His professional practice focuses on Labor, Social Security and Immigration Law.

Jorquera Antonia

Jorquera Antonia

Member of the Energy, Mining and Natural Resources team. Her practice centers mainly on counseling in regulatory matters in areas such as energy, education, consumer’s rights regulation, transport and telecommunications. She has experience in the regulation and fuctioning of the electricity market, counseling on various public tender processes, and power purchase agreements.

Ibáñez Amanda

Ibáñez Amanda

Member of the Labor team. Her professional practice focuses on Labor, Corporate and Environmental Law. She holds a degree in Law and Social Sciences from Universidad de los Andes, with a mention in Environmental Law and minor in Political Science.

Santos Sebastián

Member of the Tax and International Trade team. His professional practice focuses on tax planning for corporations and private clients, tax advisories on different transactions, including the incorporation of domestic and off-shore vehicles, analysis and preparation of tax declarations, and consultancies regarding the national and territorial tax issues.  

Romero Santiago

Member of the Dispute Resolution team. His professional practice focuses on arbitration and litigation. He has experience in international and domestic arbitration and in litigation before the ordinary and contentious-administrative jurisdiction.  

Cruz Santiago

Principal Associate of the Dispute Resolution team. His practice focuses on international and domestic arbitration, litigation and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. He has experience in matters related to engineering and construction, oil and gas, mining, sale and distribution of goods, technology and social media, among others. He has participated in commercial arbitration proceedings as counsel, […]

Carcache Santiago

Member of the Corporate/M&A team. His professional practice focuses on mergers and acquisitions and corporate matters. He has experience advising legal entities on Competition Law, Data Privacy, Compliance and Consumer Protection.  

Valencia Ricardo

Member of the Dispute Resolution team. His professional practice focuses on Procedural Law. He has experience in civil, commercial and administrative litigation proceedings before national judges and arbitration tribunals.  

Silva Paola

Member of the Criminal Law and Compliance team. Her professional practice focuses in economic crime litigation, counseling in corporate criminal law matters, asset forfeiture proceedings and criminal-law related crisis management  within companies.