Six firms drive multijurisdictional notes issue

Six firms drive multijurisdictional notes issue

Proskauer Rose LLP in New York, Colombia’s Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas, Peruvian firm Lazo, De Romaña & CMB Abogados and Paraguay’s Palacios, Prono & Talavera Abogados have helped Colombian bank GNB Sudameris issue notes worth US$300 million.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch was initial purchaser and turned to Milbank Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP’s New York office and Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Colombia).

The offering was more than three times oversubscribed, and closed on 29 March.

Counsel to Banco GNB Sudameris

In-house counsel – Nora Ximena Hernández

Proskauer Rose LLP

Partners Carlos Martínez, Antonio Piccirillo and Anne Kim, associate Danielle Mubarak and foreign associate María Jimena Londoño in New York

Dentons Cardenas & Cardenas

Partners Eduardo Cárdenas and Mauricio Borrero, and associates Catalina Pinilla and Felipe Molano in Bogotá

Lazo, De Romaña & CMB Abogados

Partners Jorge Lazo, Fátima De Romaña and Bruno Gonzáles, and associate Patricia Brocos in Lima

Palacios, Prono & Talavera Abogados

Partners Raúl Prono Toñanez and Carlos Palacios, and associate Leticia Prono Zelaya in Asunción

Counsel to Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Milbank Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP

Partner Marcelo Mottesi, and associates Gladisley Sánchez and Claudia Paniague in New York

Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Colombia)

Partners Juan Fernando Gaviria and Carolina Rozo, and associates Carolina Duque, Katherine Rueda, Héctor Falla, Mónica Cubillos, Mariana Páez and Antonio Gómez in Bogotá.


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